

  1. 2024-arxiv_agency.png
    Sense of Agency in Closed-loop Muscle Stimulation
    Lukas Gehrke, Leonie Terfurth, and Klaus Gramann
  2. 2024-UIST.png
    Predicting the limits: Tailoring unnoticeable hand redirection offsets in virtual reality to individuals’ perceptual boundaries
    Martin Feick, Kora Persephone Regitz, Lukas Gehrke, and 5 more authors
    In Proceedings of the 37th Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology , Oct 2024
  3. Visuo-haptic prediction errors: a multimodal dataset (EEG, motion) in BIDS format indexing mismatches in haptic interaction
    Lukas Gehrke, Leonie Terfurth, Sezen Akman, and 1 more author
    Front. Neuroergonomics, Jun 2024
  4. 2024-IEEE-VRW.png
    Exposing movement correlates of presence experience in virtual reality using parametric maps
    Lukas Gehrke, and Klaus Gramann
    In 2024 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces Abstracts and Workshops (VRW) , Mar 2024
  5. 2024-tochi.png
    Decoding Realism of Virtual Objects: Exploring Behavioral and Ocular Reactions to Inaccurate Interaction Feedback
    Leonie Terfurth, Klaus Gramann, and Lukas Gehrke
    ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact., Apr 2024


  1. 2023-TVCG.png
    Modeling the Intent to Interact with VR using Physiological Features
    Willy Nguyen, Klaus Gramann, and Lukas Gehrke
    IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Apr 2023
  2. cc23-piano.png
    Towards an Implicit Metric of Sensory-Motor Accuracy: Brain Responses to Auditory Prediction Errors in Pianists
    Elisabeth Pangratz, Francesco Chiossi, Steeven Villa, and 2 more authors
    In Proceedings of the 15th Conference on Creativity and Cognition , Apr 2023


  1. bemobil-pipeline.png
    The BeMoBIL Pipeline for automated analyses of multimodal mobile brain and body imaging data
    Marius Klug, Sein Jeung, Anna Wunderlich, and 6 more authors
    bioRxiv, Apr 2022
  2. vr_navigation.png
    Virtual reality for spatial navigation
    Sein Jeung, Christopher Hilton, Timotheus Berg, and 2 more authors
    In , Apr 2022
  3. pen-jne.png
    Neural sources of prediction errors detect unrealistic VR interactions
    Lukas Gehrke, Pedro Lopes, Marius Klug, and 2 more authors
    Journal of Neural Engineering, Apr 2022
  4. affordance.png
    Toward Human Augmentation Using Neural Fingerprints of Affordances
    Lukas Gehrke, Pedro Lopes, and Klaus Gramann
    In Affordances in Everyday Life: A Multidisciplinary Collection of Essays , Apr 2022


  1. spot-rotation.png
    Human cortical dynamics during full-body heading changes
    Klaus Gramann, Friederike U Hohlefeld, Lukas Gehrke, and 1 more author
    Scientific Reports, Apr 2021
  2. invisible-maze-task-eeg-results-teaser.png
    Single-trial regression of spatial exploration behavior indicates posterior EEG alpha modulation to reflect egocentric coding
    Lukas Gehrke, and Klaus Gramann
    European Journal of Neuroscience, Apr 2021
  3. audiomaze.jpg
    The AudioMaze: An EEG and motion capture study of human spatial navigation in sparse augmented reality
    Makoto Miyakoshi, Lukas Gehrke, Klaus Gramann, and 2 more authors
    European Journal of Neuroscience, Apr 2021
  4. landmark-based-navigation.png
    Mobile brain/body imaging of landmark-based navigation with high-density EEG
    Alexandre Delaux, Jean-Baptiste Saint Aubert, Stephen Ramanoël, and 7 more authors
    European Journal of Neuroscience, Apr 2021


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    Neurofeedback during creative expression as a therapeutic tool
    Stephanie M Scott, and Lukas Gehrke
    Mobile brain-body imaging and the neuroscience of art, innovation and creativity, Apr 2019
  2. prediction-error.png
    Detecting visuo-haptic mismatches in virtual reality using the prediction error negativity of event-related brain potentials
    Lukas Gehrke, Sezen Akman, Pedro Lopes, and 5 more authors
    In Proceedings of the 2019 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems , Apr 2019
  3. spoc.png
    Extracting Motion-Related Subspaces from EEG in Mobile Brain/Body Imaging Studies using Source Power Comodulation
    Lukas Gehrke, Luke Guerdan, and Klaus Gramann
    In 2019 9th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER) , Apr 2019
  4. MoBI—Mobile brain/body imaging
    Evelyn Jungnickel, Lukas Gehrke, Marius Klug, and 1 more author
    Neuroergonomics, Apr 2019


  1. invisible-maze-task.png
    The invisible maze task (IMT): interactive exploration of sparse virtual environments to investigate action-driven formation of spatial representations
    Lukas Gehrke, John R Iversen, Scott Makeig, and 1 more author
    In Spatial Cognition XI: 11th International Conference, Spatial Cognition 2018, Tübingen, Germany, September 5-8, 2018, Proceedings 11 , Apr 2018